
发布日期:2024-06-28 09:54    点击次数:213



The basic idea of microprogram control is to store all the control signals required for instruction execution in a control memory, and retrieve them from this memory when needed. Specifically, it encodes the operation control signals into microinstructions and stores them in the control memory. The function of a machine instruction is usually implemented by a sequence of many microinstructions, and this sequence of microinstructions is called a microprogram. The storage location of a microinstruction in the control memory is called a microaddress.

The basic principle of microprogram control also includes decomposing machine instructions into basic microcommand sequences, which are固化 (fixed or embedded) in the control memory (CM) during the manufacturing of the CPU. When executing a machine instruction, the CPU retrieves microinstructions from the CM in sequence to generate microcommands. Each microinstruction contains microcommands that control the implementation of one step (one cycle) of the operation. A series of microinstructions form a small segment of microprogram, which is used to interpret and execute a machine instruction.

Through this approach, microprogram control can implement instruction systems or certain specific control functions, and has the advantages of flexibility, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness. It has made significant contributions in the development of modern processor control units, support for high-level languages, customization of control units开云体育(中国)官方网站, simulation, and the improvement of operating systems.